Despite water restrictions in many towns, the drive to conserve water, and nationwide water shortages, it is difficult to imagine that we are on the brink of running out of fresh water. For many of us, access to water remains a simple task of merely turning on the tap and there flows water in abundance (most of it going down the drain). There are warnings abound that we are living on borrowed time and water is a precious resource. Water is life, but if we are not water-wise we are still taking for granted our most precious life resource. In much the same way as not thinking about our breathable air. But take either away and we are no more.
Take water seriously and become water-wise
Water may not be expensive yet, but perhaps we should treat it as if it was priceless and endeavour to save every drop. It is time to relook at your business, place of work and where you live to assess where and how you can save water. Water saving systems cost money to install but over time will save you money and will contribute to the #SaveWater drive.
Fix any leaks
Pipes and taps are notorious for developing leaks, even slightly leaking taps waste litres of water drop by drop over time. Look for damp spots on the wall for hidden leaks, and fix your leaking taps. Any submerged garden irrigation systems that have leaks will show up as areas of better watered patches as the water escapes through the cracks. Keep track of your water usage. Spend some time analysing your municipal bill or keep track of your water meter. Any unusual increases in usage could well be attributed to leaks that need to be fixed.
Install water storage systems
The shortage of rain has more than ever highlighted the need to be ready to save as much rainwater as possible. Many towns throughout South Africa have countdowns running of how long it will take until there is no water. It makes sense to have your own water reserves or ‘reservoirs’ that will be topped up when the rain comes.
Water Tanks
Stored rain water may be used for watering gardens, agriculture, flushing toilets, for washing machines, both laundry and dishwashing, washing cars, and also for drinking, especially when other water supplies are unavailable, expensive, or of poor quality, and that adequate care is taken that the water is not contaminated or the water is adequately filtered.
Recycle your water
Some say saving water and irrigation are two things that do not go hand in hand – the perfect contradiction. However, this is not the case. Using water in your garden should not feel like a waste of a precious resource, as long as it is being utilized in a responsible way from which you can reap the rewards. Using a Rainwater Harvesting or Greywater System will make all the difference in how you maintain your beautiful lush lawns.
Greywater Systems
Water from baths, showers, hand basins and clothes washing machines or the laundry. A bath uses 120 litres and a shower 80 litres of water. When used, that water is called grey water. You pay for it, and then it all goes down the drain. You can use this grey water to immediately irrigate your garden, saving you a substantial portion of your water bill.
Don’t waste your pool backwash water
The water shortages has made taking a cooling dip in the pool a luxury to be enjoyed by the minority. But backwashing pools and having to top them up after a backwash uses a massive amount of water. A pool backwash saver recycles your backwash pool water saving the water that would go down that drain and eliminating the need to use fresh water to top the pool up.
Pool Backwash Water Saver
Every backwash of two to three minutes will use between 200 and 900 litres of water. Stop wasting your pool backwash water. Our Pool Backwash System receives the water normally thrown away from a pool’s filter backwash process. The system processes this dirty water and within 24 hours the water can be safely returned to the pool.